Practice safely
Get practical help to manage your risk and avoid malpractice claims with our risk management resources.

Social Media in Healthcare: A Slippery Slope
Risk Solutions
Creating a social media policy and strategy can help podiatrists safeguard their patients and practice from common risks.
Managing Nonadherent and Difficult Patients
Risk Solutions
Healthcare providers face many challenges when patients are nonadherent or difficult. These behaviors can compromise the provider-patient relationship, and patients might be at an increased risk of misdiagnosis and more likely to have negative outcomes.
Communicating Effectively With Patients Who Have Limited English Proficiency
Risk Solutions
Patients who have limited English proficiency (LEP) often do not understand the health information conveyed to them by healthcare providers. For these patients, inadequate comprehension can result in many negative outcomes.
Managing Negative Online Reviews From Patients
Risk Solutions
The internet and social media have fundamentally changed the ways in which healthcare consumers gather and exchange information. More and more, patients are looking online to address their healthcare needs and to comment about their experiences.
Risk Articles
Get tips to help you and your practice manage risk with our clinical articles.
Q&A: High Alert Medication Monitoring
Risk Considerations: Promoting a Culture of Safety
Ergonomics and Safe Patient Handling
Risk Considerations for Using Surveillance Cameras in Healthcare Practices
Keep It Simple: Using Plain Language to Support Patient-Centered Care
Addressing Risks Associated With Telehealth
Addressing Sexual Harassment from Patients or Third Parties
Electronic Health Records: Patient Safety and Liability Concerns
Addressing Parent Accountability With Pediatric Patients
Transferring Patient Health Records When Selling or Closing a Healthcare Practice
How Staff Education Can Improve Quality and Enhance Patient Safety and Experience
Continuing Education Opportunities
Sharpen your risk management skills (and earn premium discounts) with our online CE courses.
Guidelines & Checklists
Quick-hit resources designed to keep your patients and your practice safe.
Checklist: Due Diligence of Business Associates
Checklist: Documentation Essentials
Checklist: Risk Management Considerations
in Orthopedic Practice